Insurance companies are much more likely to cover acupuncture now than they have been in the past, due to increasing evidence that acupuncture works and is a very cost-effective modality. In particular, worker’s compensation and car insurance companies have been quite open to approving acupuncture for their clients. There is still a long way to go, however, before acupuncture is universally recognized by insurance companies. Federal government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid do not cover acupuncture across the board, although some program participants may qualify under their particular provider. Blue Cross/Blue Shield in some states will cover acupuncture performed by licensed acupuncturists, but BC/BS Minnesota will only cover acupuncture performed by M.D.s at this point.
The best thing to do is to call your insurance company and see if acupuncture is included in your benefits package. You also need to ask if your insurance company will cover acupuncture performed by any licensed acupuncturist, or if there are restrictions such as oversight by an M.D., etc. Keep in mind that the medical system in this country is in flux, and benefits may change as the advantages of acupuncture treatment are more widely recognized by insurance companies and providers.