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Acupuncture is a natural healing technique which restores, regulates and normalizes the flow of vital energy (Qi) through the body by inserting hair-thin needles into the body‘s energy pathways. By manipulating the flow of Qi, acupuncture can deal with the imbalances that are the root cause of many diseases and health problems. Energy blockages, systemic deficiencies and imbalances or disharmonies of the body‘s fundamental substances can all be addressed by acupuncture treatment. Scientific studies on acupuncture continue to be funded in this country by National Institutes of Health. Clinical trials and functional MRI studies have demonstrated again that acupuncture produces measurable effective treatment for a wide range of conditions including headache, nausea, back pain, knee pain, arthritis pain, infertility and emotional disorders. |
11775 SW Greenburg Road
Tigard,Oregon97223Phone: 503-381-2600 /