Acupuncture Center
  • About us
    Welcome to Northwest Acupuncture Center, and thank you for your interest in natural healing. Northwest Acupuncture Center is dedicated to promoting good health and vitality through traditional Chinese medicines and healing techniques, such as acupuncture, herbal cures and dietary therapies. We believe that no matter what troubles you have, all or part of the solution can be found through Acupuncture and/or Chinese medicine.
    A popular target for Chinese acupuncture - and one that is becoming more and more common and accepted - is in the management of chronic or severe pain. For example, cluster headaches and migraines are common debilitating conditions, often resulting in lost work time, missed family outings and decay in the quality of life. If you suffer from this type of condition, turn to the preeminent experts. Our Practitioners at Northwest Acupuncture Center handle many cases like this every year and have achieved favorable results for countless pain sufferers.
    Northwest Acupuncture Center for Infertility focuses on conditions affecting both men and women. Traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, has been applied to treating infertility for over 2300 years. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have developed effective treatment techniques and protocols to treat both infertile females and males based on a holistic approach. Today, traditional Chinese medicine specialists have adapted and incorporated these traditional techniques into modern fertility treatments. A growing number of clinical research studies, as well as feedback from actual clinical experience, show that acupuncture is capable of significantly enhancing fertility. More and more evidence suggests that acupuncture is a cost-effective, safe and efficient way of boosting the success rate of fertility treatments.
    Another of the focuses of Oriental medicine in the United States is sleep disorders. Patients and practitioners of Western medicine are slowly beginning to recognize the tremendous benefits that can be reaped by combining traditional Western medicine with acupuncture for insomnia treatment.
    There is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis in Western or Eastern medicine. Our goal as acupuncturists is to support the body's self-healing potential, curb acute attack, and slow the progression of symptoms. Common MS symptoms that acupuncture treats effectively are: muscle weakness and spasm, pain, vision problems, tremors, balance/co-ordination, dizziness, fatigue and depression. Chinese medicine is also successful at treating secondary symptoms such as poor appetite, lower immunity, insomnia or anxiety.


    11775 SW Greenburg Road

    Tigard,Oregon97223Phone: 503-381-2600 /